Forex trading has really gained popularity over the last few years among online traders both new and experienced. Candlestick trading the forex market is quickly becoming the method of choice for traders of all experience levels for a variety of good reasons. While automated trading systems have enjoyed a high level of popularity over the last few years, traders quickly find out they don't understand the systems and how they operate. Some don't seem to work at all or only under certain market conditions that the forex trader doesn't understand. For the forex trader who understands candlestick trading, new profit potential immediately opens itself up. The advent of the internet has given rise to online Forex Brokers which are similar to an online stock trading account. These brokers have thousands of investors placing orders through their online portals and so are able to allow anyone to open a Forex account and buy and sell in any quantity.
It is estimated that in the UK, 14% of currency transfers/payments are made via Foreign Exchange Companies. 70 These companies' selling point is usually that they will offer better exchange rates or cheaper payments than the customer's bank. 71 These companies differ from Money Transfer/Remittance Companies in that they generally offer higher-value services. The volume of transactions done through Foreign Exchange Companies in India amounts to about USD 2 billion 72 per day This does not compete favorably with any well developed foreign exchange market of international repute, but with the entry of online Foreign Exchange Companies the market is steadily growing Around 25% of currency transfers/payments in India are made via non-bank Foreign Exchange Companies. 73 Most of these companies use the USP of better exchange rates than the banks. They are regulated by FEDAI and any transaction in foreign Exchange is governed by the Foreign Exchange Management Act, 1999 (FEMA).
The U.S. currency was involved in 87.6% of transactions, followed by the euro (31.3%), the yen (21.6%), and sterling (12.8%) (see table ). Volume percentages for all individual currencies should add up to 200%, as each transaction involves two currencies.
Trading foreign exchange may result in a substantial or complete loss of funds and therefore should only be undertaken with risk capital. The definition of risk capital is funds that are not necessary to the survival or well being of the user. easy-forex� strongly recommends that a user who is considering trading foreign exchange products, read through all the main topics contained in the easy-forex� website so that he/she may obtain a clear and accurate understanding of the risks inherent to fx trading.
The office addresses that Secure's website listed in Hong Kong, London and Sydney were also phony. All of those were at sites run by international office leasing company Regus Plc. London-based spokesman Andrew Brown researched his company's records and found that Secure never used any of those locations.