Foreign exchange, also known as forex or FX, refers to the world's many currencies, and the foreign exchange market is where these different currencies are traded. There are no commissions. Yep, you read it right. No exchange fees, no closing fees, no government fees, no brokerage fees. This all adds up to a very low retail transaction cost. If you select your broker properly, your round-trip transaction cost could be as low as07 percent.
Alpari Limited, Cedar Hill Crest, Villa, Kingstown VC0100, Saint Vincent and the Grenadines, West Indies, is incorporated under registered number 20389�IBC�2012 by the Registrar of International Business Companies, registered by the Financial Services Authority of Saint Vincent and the Grenadines.
I just got transferred from FXCM, this app is not as good as FXCM, but I was very happy that they reopened my positions for me the way I had them. The biggest issue I have with this compared to FXCM is you cannot customize the app, there is no option for viewing 1 month charts. I am a long term trader and use the weekly and monthly charts. I suppose I can use a different chart system and then make my trades on this platform. But if I where a hourly or daily trader I can see how this would be flustrating.
Forex market is a non-centralized market. There is no common market place for Forex traders and there is no so-call 'standard' in foreign currency exchange price. Different Forex dealers offer very different deals to their customers. As an individual FX trader, you depends solely on the dealer to make a transaction in your trades, thus picking up the right dealer is extremely crucial in your risk.
Forex can seem to be tough at the first instance to a new investor but once you have understood the process of the trading,then it is all about making the right decision and earning a handsome profit. with various fundamental and technical analysis tool available in the market,a careful investor can make huge profit by trading currencies. A small margin deposit can control a much larger total contract value. That Is what we call 'Leverage'.